Tips to Crack Bank PO Exam in Delhi
Bank PO is one of those exams that 70% of Indian graduates want to write and build a successful banking career. If you are eyeing to crack PO exam successfully, here are few tips you must not miss to reach your desired professional destination before joining Bank PO Exam in Delhi :
Good speed
Speed is one of the most critical criteria while writing any Bank PO exam. Without speed you can be certain that you will not make it as a Bank Probationary Officer. A PO candidate must be able to calculate math problems in lightning speed. He must know all shortcuts or quick calculation methods, to arrive at correct answers. In an exam, when only brilliant candidates successfully clears, it will be a herculean task to crack the exam without excellent speed in solving math and reasoning problems.

Without accuracy you will score very low to reach the cut-off threshold of Bank PO exam. A candidate should be quick with the ability to arrive at answers 100% accurately. As most of the bank exams have negative marking, you won’t be able to score high if you go wrong in answering questions. It is very important that you match speed with accuracy. Its better to avoid going for question where you need to do guesswork, it may end up reducing your scores.
Excellent English
When I say excellent English, I didn’t mean good fluency or knowing meanings of words. A candidate who has good comprehension ability, great vocabulary who knows how to use words in a correct context well, and underlying meaning of sentences. You must be good in English with proper grammar knowledge, word power and appropriate use of phrases wherever necessary. Read a lot whether it be magazines, news, novels, short stories and more. The more you read, the better would be your English skills.
Take up Sections which Take Less Time
Not every candidate is equally good in all the sections of the bank PO exam. You need to play by your strengths, if you are good at English, go ahead and solve the section quickly and then use the rest of the time in solving difficult sections. If you spend your time in solving tough questions first, you may waste a lot of your time without completing all the questions. In Bank PO exam, all questions are important so you must always complete section which you find easy to have more time to complete the difficult sections.
Don’t Get Stuck
It is important that you don’t spend too much time in solving one question more than a specific time limit. This limit you need to fix in mind while you are still in the practice period. In exam, if you spend more time in solving only few questions, you will not be able to complete all the questions. Candidates mostly happens to spend time in solving reasoning questions which is not a good idea. Always devote your time equally without overspending too much in one particular section.
If you are looking for a Bank PO trainer? Feel free to let us know at and we will help you connect with the top trainers.