CAT 2017 - Last One Month Preparation Tips
CAT will be conducted on 4th December, 2016, across 135 cities in India. The management entrance test is just round the corner, and candidates are busy preparing for the last one month. As CAT Exam is considered as the doorway to build a successful future, lakhs of candidates apply every year. This year a total of 2,32,434 candidates has applied for the test, the numbers are higher than last year’s stats.

If you are burning midnight oil preparing for CAT exam, here are few tips for you:
Work on your weak areas
Candidates need to focus on their weak areas no matter how little time is left. How a candidate prepare for the last one month will determine how successfully he will clear the exam. Rather than investing a lot of time in areas where you are naturally good at, it is always better to spend time on weak areas and try to perform better in those areas.
E.g. If you find difficult verbal reasoning or quantitative problems, spend your time working on those areas and build your strength, you will increase your chances of improving your overall score.
Avoid learning something new
Don’t start learning new topics during these last one month. You will waste a lot of time and energy, and lose out on important topics or lot more topics. During the last few days, it is very important that you spend your entire time on working on concepts, topics and exercises, that can help you get more score. Spend more of your time revising topics and solving problems, which you find a little hard.
Practice mock tests every day
Make it a point of practicing mock or sample question papers every day. You will come across many websites or online resources that you can practice to improve your speed and quality of solving the questions. Always remember to evaluate what you are doing, without evaluation it is not going to help you much on scoring better. Analyzing will help you identify where you are going wrong.
Don’t use multiple reading sources
Reading from too many sources will confuse and baffle you over a period of time. You may lose interest as it will take a lot of time in learning a topic. Go for few good books that can help you cover maximum number of topics and problems, and give you clearer ideas on concepts. Sometimes students feel lost when they follow too many ideas and concepts, So hire CAT Tutor from UrbanPro and clear all your doubts.
Time management
Each of the three sections in the CAT exam are allotted 60 minutes each. The total duration of the CAT exam is of 180 minutes. Switching between the sections is not allowed, candidates need to cover all the questions in a section within 60 minutes. So finishing early also doesn’t help much, so candidates should solve each question correctly by selecting answers by judging all the options carefully.
Try to get 90+ percentile
Getting a score of 90 percent or above makes your chances of getting into top business schools higher. So you must try to score 90 or above, to secure a seat in reputed B-schools and IIMs. Only selected candidates in the CAT test will be called for WAT (Written Ability Test)/ PI (Personal Interview). Once you clear your WAT/PI you will be taken into one of the IIMs or B-Schools.
Stay positive
Getting anxious and all worried are very common behaviors among students when they are about to write the CAT exam. It is very easy to get carried away by negative and uninspiring thoughts posted online or told by your friends, stay away from those negative thoughts as much as possible. Staying positive is the mantra.